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Erv, the only official DFW team member now.

ERV has two Bachelor's degrees: one in domestic business (BYU) and the other in international business (Thunderbird), a Master of International Management degree (Thunderbird School of Global Management), plus he was a Ph.D. student in International Management Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas while also serving as a Bank Trust Officer.

Erv's first securities experience was while he was a Bank Trust Investment Officer.  Early technical analysis was in using a handheld programmable calculator and plotting by hand doubly-smoothed exponential moving averages of stock prices. 

About five years after resigning from the Bank, beginning in 1983 - 1984, intermittent research was done using time ratio analysis in order to estimate the dates of the end of trends of the Dow Jones Industrial Average.   Looking back now, most conclusions fit into Fibonacci behavior of price in time.  I did not know of Fibonacci back then.  It was strictly analysis and conclusions from empirical observations.  The accuracy got a little scary at times!  One day off on a four month uptrend projection shouldn't be possible, but it happened! :>)

Extensive learning of Technical Analysis since 2001 while using three software packages - TeleChart®, Fibonacci Trader™ and PhiCube Analyzer™.  Some "challenging" lessons learned along the way (experienced traders and investors know what that means!!)

As you will see in the Worden Report of 08-01-2003, Erv received the appellation Sir Interest Rates when he was inducted into the Roundtable of Knights Who Think for Themselves.  Check my market projection in the last sentence of my submission published in that report. :>)  Scary!  Too accurate to be possible, right?...And that was two years before I even knew about PhiCube™.

The PhiCube™ team -

The PhiCube Analyzer™ software being presented has outstanding support and training.

James L. ("BO") Williams is a professional trader, financial educator, and author. He is the creator of the financial trading methodology PhiCube™ and is the founder of PhiCube, Inc. Bo has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tennessee and an equivalent MS in Nuclear Propulsion through the United States Navy/DOE.  Bo is a former nuclear submarine officer and executive in the industrial automation industry. He currently resides in São Paulo, Brazil, marketing PhiCube™ there.

The number of charts he has looked at over the years is well beyond a million!

MICHAEL (1938 - 2013) was co-founder with over 40 years of trading and Wall Street experience, formerly with Bear Stearns, leaving in 1991.

RICHARD is the programmer of PhiCube Analyzer™.  He has a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and is very market knowledgeable.  He has some 30 years of extensive experience in programming outstanding technical analysis software applications that have been way ahead of their time.

And then there is "SPIDER", a fellow subscriber and experienced trader.  He shares his highly accurate pre-market and intraday calls for, usually, the Dow Jones Industrial Average and its ETF, the DIA.  He often types his calls and observations in Chat and offers commentary over the Ventrilo™ voice connection that comes with the subscription.  Sometimes he complains a bit, suggesting that the software still needs some improvement...because his call missed a turn by one point or less!!!

Worden Report 08-01-2003 >

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