Intro for Warriors
Projections - Futile Exercise?
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What am I about? 

My training is for military Warriors: active, transitioning, veterans and their families, and their supporters. These are what I call the "Warrior community".

Here is the link to my 30 Second Sound Off Speech.  To read click on "Download" at the very right of the title.


USA Ranger Col. (Ret.) Danny McKnight (Commander, Exfiltration Ground Element, Mogadishu, October 3 - 4, 1993, Task Force Ranger 93, "Black Hawk Down") spoke on 19 September 2012 at the Marines Memorial Association in San Francisco.  The following video is the last 1 minute 50 seconds of his talk.

My training without cost many of those in the Warrior community fits with what he wants us to do for our returning veterans.

In the video Col. McKnight said:

"We need to reach out to 'em. Do not let them be forgotten.  And it'll be 10 to 15 years we have to do that.  And I hope I'm around long enough to do that as much as possible."

Join with me!! -

Be trained.  Spread the word and pay it forward!!!


The following link is to "NLT Invitation to 3 Groups".  It is a PDF file one page handout with info on two Meetups in the Dallas area: (1) for mutually helping veterans and patriots in their entrepreneurial endeavors, and (2) the DFW Chapter for IAVA (Iraq Afghanistan Veterans of America). 

The third is info and links to the Guardian for Heroes Foundation created by US Navy CPO Chris Kyle.

The website has not yet been edited to include pages specifically for you.  However, what is here now will help you learn more and evaluate what I share.  Updating and redesign of the website I hope can be done by the end of March, 2015.  (Needs to be done by someone in the Warrior community.  Contact me if you or someone you know is interested.)

A 22 minute presentation was recorded in the Fall of 2013.  It is included in both 1 hour and 2 hour (with break) PowerPoint presentations, including videos, and live chart illustrations of the power of Natural Law trading concepts and software based on the concepts. 

If you would like to see the 22 minute video, email me for the link to it.

The presentations are more than just charts.  I am sure they will be meaningful to almost all who see one. 

If you are interested in hosting a presentation to a 2 to 4 squad platoon size group in or near the DFW Metroplex, please contact me.  (See Contact link in the column to the left.)

A group presentation will answer some questions, and also raise other questions.  As you learn more, please contact me with all questions you have. My purpose is to help you succeed and reach the Natural Law Trading Goal, which is on the next page and which you may have already seen.  It is something I mention over and over.  It is a simple and powerful framework for making decisions, even beyond the financial markets.

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